Save time by automating your finance projections according to your own business rules.

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Journey Stages Modeling

The accounting and financial closing are now automatic

With Kiplan, automating the initial stages of the financial journey such as the accounting closing and later the financial closing, will save you time by eliminating the need to do them manually

Now your company's financial staff will focus on strategic tasks, minimizing the likelihood of transcription, validation and registration errors, mistakes which usually happen at early stages.

The power of AI for your Financial Planning

By executing Financial Planning in Kiplan, companys automates the creation of cash flow scenarios, ensuring maximum precision in the management of financial resources.

Automating the calculation of cash flow projections is the most efficient way to assess and make short-term financial management visible. This includes:


Cash Flow scenarios set up according to the most incident variables.


Single-pane view of immediate resource needs


Projection of cash flow evolution in multiple scenarios.


Evaluate strategic and financial management with a single KPI.


Visualize the Sustainability KPI yearly evolution.


Understand the financial evaluation, disaggregating the sustainability KPI into ten specialized sub-indicators.


Assess Business Sustainability performance against pursued goal.


Compare the business sustainability indicator with companies' standards within the same industry activity.


Delegate the achievement of the goals to those responsible for managing the KPIS.


Delegate the fulfillment of objectives to those responsible for the management of general or specific indicators.

The power of automated KPIs

The automation of Analytical Reporting empowers users to comprehensively view their indicators by simply uploading their Financial Statements to the platform. Includes:

1. Operating Leverage.


Kiplan provides information on how the level of leverage affects profitability, considering bothfixed and variable costs. It can also help identify the break-even point of the operation, and show how the profitability and value of the business change before or after this point, based on fixed costs and margin scales.

2. Financial Leverage.


A detailed analysis of its financial leverage is necessary to assess the company's macro behaviors and risks from negotiations with third-party resources. This analysis should include exogenous variables like devaluation, interest rates, debt terms, supplier cycles, and a comparison with other financial incomes. Kiplan offers a valuable tool for predicting leverage based on market data and comparing it to other companies in the same sector, thereby monitoring its operational effectiveness.

3. Margin.


It thoroughly evaluates all actions taken to achieve profitability goals that exceed industry standards.

4. Rotation.


This KPI helps assess how well the organization keeps its resources in motion, directly impacting profitability. It is essential to avoid having idle or unproductive resources.

5. Dupont.


This indicator helps to understand how the combination of margin, turnover, and leverage strategies have impacted the return generated for shareholders. It also considers the rationality of dividend distribution.

6. EVA.


Value creation or destruction is a way to show shareholders the outcome they desire beyond their basic expectations. It helps formulate strategies for expanding or contracting operations through leverage or capitalization.

7. Break Even.


This business indicator helps determine how much a company relies on fixed costs versus variable costs and what level of sales is needed to cover the break-even point. It is a measure of business flexibility.

8. Economic Value.


This indicator encourages making decisions based on the expected economic value of the business rather than just the results for a specific period.

9. KTNO.


Net Operating Working Capital refers to the resources necessary for organizations to carry out their operations with efficiency and effectiveness. This capital typically comprises short-term accounts, also known as current assets accounts.

The company´s strategy simulated from finances

Financial planning reaches its peak with financial modeling oriented to business strategy. Created on a generic structure, our clients create their own financial management models and dashboards according to their business rules.

Take advantage of the conceptual design of the platform to adjust our technology to the needs of your company.


Data Extraction

Extract relevant data from bank statements and transaction statements from banking systems.


Compare extracted data with accounting records, identifying discrepancies, reconciling and validating their impact on cash flow.


In case of discrepancies, generation of alerts and reports improving inputs for decision making..


Creation of detailed and customizable reconciliation and cashflow reports, facilitating the review and monitoring of activities.


Kiplan's technology suggests the most likely cash flow scenarios with an up-to-date view of financial position.


The solution can be scheduled to run at specific times, such as outside of business hours, to speed up the process without human intervention.